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Mary Roberson


Northern Illinois RCO



Session Title: 

Advocacy Is a Pathway: Using Our Voices

Session Details: 

This session will define and describe advocacy as a pathway of recovery on the local, state and federal levels. Attendees will gain understanding of the significance advocacy in the field of recovery management. This session will include an experiential interactive component of crafting an advocacy statement for legislative and policy changes.

What are you looking forward to most at #MPRCCT2024?

Seeing all the folks in the recovery management space from across the country!!!

Mary Roberson

Dr. Mary Roberson has more than 28 years of proficiency in the Behavioral Health field. She is
the founder and Executive Director of Northern Illinois Recovery Community Organization
(NIRCO). NIRCO is a nationally recognized Recovery Community Organization whose mission
is to promote recovery principles for individuals, families, and communities impacted by
substance use and mental health.

Dr. Roberson was previously the Managing Director for Nicasa Behavioral Health Services where
she had oversight on several evidence-based federal projects (SAMHSA Grants), some of which
included technology-assisted care, adolescents with co-occurring substance use disorder and
mental health; women at risk of infection for HIV and homeless individuals involved the
criminal justice system.

Dr. Roberson has served on multiple state and local boards. The Executive Board of Illinois
Department of Human Services DASA Women's Committee, where she assisted with
developing the legislative-mandated state women's plan. The Illinois Alcoholism and Drug
Dependency Association where she served on the strategist planning and diversity committee.
The Waukegan Coalition to Reduce Recidivism where she serves on the executive committee for
returning citizens. The Lake County Opioid Initiative where she served on the initial planning
committee and treatment and recovery committee.

Dr. Roberson has facilitated women's specialized groups on various traumas for the Circuit
Court of Lake County and serves as a member its Drug Court Team and Veterans Treatment
Assistance Court. She has consulted and trained in Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida on several
behavioral health topics related to women, veterans and the criminal justice system. She was
selected and completed the Great Lakes ATTC Communities of Color: Training of Trainers
(ToT) and Next Generation of Leaders. Dr. Roberson first published in the Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly (July 2012) with her article"Identity Development's Impact on Peer-Supported Recovery among African American Women."

Dr. Roberson is a proud Navy veteran with deep roots in the veteran's communities. She has a
Doctorate of Education in Counseling Psychology and is a Licensed Clinical Professional
Counselor. She has taught graduate classes at National Louis University and undergraduate
classes at the College of Lake County.

#MPRC is proudly brought to you by the Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery 

 75 Charter Oak Avenue | Suite 1-305 | Hartford, CT 06106

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